Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions and cancellation policy 01/11/2024

Upon purchase of personal training services terms and conditions and cancellation policy must be fully read, understood, and agreed to.


PURCHASE OF SERVICES. - Purchase of any 1-1/2-1 services provided by Apex Fitness (AF) can be done either by Bank Transfer, Cash Payment or Debit/Credit card via ABC Trainerize App. Upon purchase you have a 7- day refund window to request a full refund back (via your payment method only). If you undertake any training sessions during this period, refund may still issue with the deduction of individual sessions undertaken priced at £35.00 each. Payment made via the ABC Trainerize App will automatically re-occur on the 1st of each month unless prior written notice is received. Online Personal Training services are billed monthly and are non-refundable. Invoices and receipts can be provided by AF upon request.

Purchase of Monthly Training Package - Monthly training packages are priced to encourage commitment to goals set. Any session unused are not automatically carried over to the next month. If prior agreement with Sean Fraser (SF) session may be added to the next month. Circumstance where this may happen but not limited to (illness or Injury, Family issues, Severe weather or Issue with the Gym Provider JD Gyms Glasgow South)

Purchase of Block Session do not have an expiration date and will continue until complete.

PAR-Q FORM, CONSENT AND T&C’s. Prior to the purchase of any 1-1/2-1 services a Physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q) must be completed by the client and signed by both the client and Trainer (Sean Fraser). By signing this document, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions stated in this document. By signing this form, you agree that all information provided is to the best of your knowledge. Failure to provide information or read terms and conditions before agreeing to them is the responsibility of the individual. By signing this form, you also agree that (AF) & (SF) cannot be held responsible for damages caused by failure to provide information and informed agreement/ consent.

CANCELLATION or LATENESS . AF enforces a 24-hour Cancellation policy. If you are unable to attend you scheduled appointment, then you are to inform SF via WhatsApp messaging service no less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. Failure to do this may result in loss of weekly session (at the discretion of AF & SF). If you cancel your appointment before the 24-hour window you are entitled to reschedule for the same week or conduct and extra session in another week. AF agrees to the same cancellation policy if I have to reschedule your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances within 24 hours you will receive an additional appointment at a later date. If outside the 24 – hour window I will reschedule your appointment to a suitable sate for both parties.

If you are running late for your scheduled appointment you are to let me know at the earliest opportunity. If I am able to fit a full 1 hours session in then I will but this cannot be guaranteed due to other clients bookings.

YOUR PRIVACY. As mentioned in section 2) above, upon starting personal training you consent to AF storing relevant personal information, including but not limited to; phone number, email address, body measurements, pictures, videos, and relevant forms, including but not limited to; consultations, check ins and quarterly reviews. Upon discontinuation of personal training, AF will store your information for up to 365 days. AF is not responsible for personal information held on the Application ABC Trainerize.

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